| Premier League | Played | Won | Pts | Form^ |
1 | Fairwater Cons Mack (C) | 20 | 17 | 92 | WLWWWWWWLWWLWWWWWWWW |
2 | Fairwater Cons | 20 | 15 | 82 | WWWWWWWLLWWWWWWWLWLL |
3 | Beech Tree Hotel | 20 | 14 | 72 | WLWWWWLWLWWLWWWLWWLW |
4 | Cathays Cons | 20 | 13 | 68 | LWWWWLWLWWWWWLLWWWWL |
5 | Canton Libs | 20 | 11 | 65 | LWWWWLLWWLWLLWWWLWLL |
6 | Mackintosh Snooker | 20 | 11 | 64 | WLWLWLWWWLWLWWLWLLLLW |
| | | | | |
| Division One | | | | |
1 | Taff's Well (C) | 20 | 10 | 62 | WLLLLWLWWLLLLWWWWLWW |
2 | Savoy | 20 | 6 | 52 | LWLLLWLWWWLLLLLLLLLL |
3 | RBL Warriors | 20 | 8 | 49 | LLLLWLLWLLWLWLLWWWW |
4 | Rumney British Legion | 20 | 4 | 39 | WLWLLLLLLLLWWLLLLLL |
5 | Roath Cons | 20 | 0 | 16 | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |
^Form shows most recent results on the right
Fixtures and results A full list of fixtures for your club noticeboard is available for download here: fixtures2223.docx. Use the league WhatsApp group to submit results. Alternatively please text or email new player registrations and results (including player wins and losses for the player rankings) to James Llewellyn on 07792 101998 or jamesllew@yahoo.co.uk
Canton Libs |
2v3 |
Taffs Well |
Cathays Cons |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Rumney BL |
4v1 |
RBL Warriors |
Fairwater Cons |
5v0 |
Savoy |
Mackintosh Snooker |
5v0 |
Roath Cons |
Beech Tree Hotel |
v |
Bye |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons |
Savoy |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
RBL Warriors |
2v3 |
Cathays Cons |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
Taff’s Well |
2v3 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Mackintosh Snooker |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
0v5 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Canton Libs |
5v0 |
RBL Warriors |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Rumney British Legion |
3v2 |
Roath Cons |
Fairwater Cons |
5v0 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Taff’s Well |
v |
Bye |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Rumney British Legion |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
5v0 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Fairwater Cons |
3v2 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Savoy |
3v2 |
Roath Cons |
RBL Warriors |
1v4 |
Taff’s Well |
Canton Libs |
v |
Bye |
Mackintosh Snooker |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
Cathays Cons |
Savoy |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
RBL Warriors |
1v4 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
5v0 |
Taff’s Well |
Fairwater Cons |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Canton Libs |
4v1 |
Roath Cons |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Rumney British Legion |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons |
Taff’s Well |
2v3 |
RBL Warriors |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons |
4v1 |
Cathays Cons |
Mackintosh Snooker |
3v2 |
Canton Libs |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Savoy |
3v2 |
Taff’s Well |
RBL Warriors |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Rumney British Legion |
v |
Bye |
Rumney British Legion |
5v0 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Mackintosh Snooker |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
Cathays Cons |
Roath Cons |
3v2 |
RBL Warriors |
Taff’s Well |
1v4 |
Canton Libs |
Savoy |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Canton Libs |
0v5 |
Fairwater Cons |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Rumney British Legion |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Taff’s Well |
5v0 |
Roath Cons |
RBL Warriors |
v |
Bye |
Rumney British Legion |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
Fairwater Cons |
4v1 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Mackintosh Snooker |
3v2 |
Taff’s Well |
Roath Cons |
0v5 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Savoy |
3v2 |
RBL Warriors |
Cathays Cons |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
Canton Libs |
3v2 |
Cathays Cons |
RBL Warriors |
3v2 |
Roath Cons |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
2v3 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Taff’s Well |
4v1 |
Fairwater Cons |
Savoy |
v |
Bye |
Cathays Cons |
2v3 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Rumney British Legion |
3v2 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
3v2 |
Fairwater Cons |
Savoy |
3v2 |
Taff’s Well |
RBL Warriors |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
Roath Cons |
v |
Bye |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Rumney British Legion |
2v3 |
Taff’s Well |
Fairwater Cons |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Mackintosh Snooker |
4v1 |
RBL Warriors |
Roath Cons |
2v3 |
Savoy |
Canton Libs |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
Canton Libs |
Savoy |
4v1 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
RBL Warriors |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
Taff’s Well |
2v3 |
Cathays Cons |
Roath Cons |
v |
Bye |
Roath Cons |
0v5 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Savoy |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons |
RBL Warriors |
3v2 |
Rumney British Legion |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
2v3 |
Cathays Cons |
Taff’s Well |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
Beech Tree Hotel |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
5v0 |
Cathays Cons |
Mackintosh Snooker |
5v0 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Fairwater Cons |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
RBL Warriors |
2v3 |
Savoy |
Canton Libs |
2v3 |
Roath Cons |
Taff’s Well |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons |
5v0 |
Roath Cons |
Rumney British Legion |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
RBL Warriors |
Canton Libs |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
Taff’s Well |
Mackintosh Snooker |
v |
Bye |
Mackintosh Snooker |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
Rumney British Legion |
Savoy |
2v3 |
Cathays Cons |
RBL Warriors |
3v2 |
Canton Libs |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
4v1 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Taff’s Well |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
4v1 |
RBL Warriors |
Canton Libs |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Cathays Cons |
4v1 |
Roath Cons |
Rumney British Legion |
0v5 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Taff’s Well |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Fairwater Cons |
v |
Bye |
Cathays Cons |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons |
Rumney British Legion |
5v0 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Beech Tree Hotel |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Savoy |
2v3 |
Canton Libs |
Roath Cons |
0v5 |
Taff’s Well |
RBL Warriors |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons |
3v2 |
Rumney British Legion |
Mackintosh Snooker |
3v2 |
Cathays Cons |
Roath Cons |
0v5 |
Canton Libs |
Savoy |
2v3 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
RBL Warriors |
2v3 |
Taff’s Well |
Fairwater Mack |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
5v0 |
Roath Cons |
Canton Libs |
4v1 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Cathays Cons |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons |
Taff’s Well |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
4v1 |
RBL Warriors |
Rumney British Legion |
v |
Bye |
Rumney British Legion |
1v4 |
Cathays Cons |
Fairwater Cons |
4v1 |
Canton Libs |
Mackintosh Snooker |
4v1 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
Taff’s Well |
Savoy |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
RBL Warriors |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
3v2 |
Taff’s Well |
Canton Libs |
3v0 |
Rumney British Legion |
Fairwater Cons |
3v0 |
Roath Cons |
Savoy |
3v2 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Beech Tree Hotel |
3v2 |
Fairwater Cons |
Canton Libs |
5v0 |
Rumney British Legion |
RBL Warriors |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
5v0 |
Roath Cons |
Taff’s Well |
3v2 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Cathays Cons |
v |
Bye |
Cathays Cons |
3v2 |
Canton Libs |
Rumney British Legion |
2v3 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Fairwater Cons |
3v2 |
Taff’s Well |
Mackintosh Snooker |
1v4 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Roath Cons |
1v4 |
RBL Warriors |
Savoy |
v |
Bye |
Beech Tree Hotel |
2v3 |
Cathays Cons |
Savoy |
4v1 |
Roath Cons |
RBL Warriors |
3v2 |
Mackintosh Snooker |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
4v1 |
Fairwater Cons |
Taff’s Well |
4v1 |
Rumney British Legion |
Canton Libs |
v |
Bye |
Canton Libs |
2v3 |
Beech Tree Hotel |
Cathays Cons |
2v3 |
Taff’s Well |
Rumney British Legion |
2v3 |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
Fairwater Cons |
2v3 |
RBL Warriors |
Mackintosh Snooker |
3v2 |
Savoy |
Roath Cons |
v |
Bye |
Fairwater Cons Mack |
3v0 |
Canton Libs |
Fairwater Cons |
3v1 |
Savoy |
Brian Rees & Jason Hewett |
3v2 |
Rhys Carpenter & Jimmy Llewellyn |
Brian Rees & Jason Hewett |
3v0 |
Steve Flanagan & Shaun O’Connell |
Khurram Khan |
2v4 |
Jason Hewett |
Jason Hewett |
4v2 |
Khurram Khan |
Pos | Player | Team | Break(s) |
1 | Mark Bennett | Savoy | 89, 71*, 58*, 55, 46, 46, 38 |
= | Alan Hurley | Fairwater Cons Mack | 89, 67, 67, 65, 57, 44, 42, 39*, 38, 37, 35 |
3 | Kevin Brown | Taff’s Well | 87*, 38 |
4 | Jerry Connors | Mackintosh Snooker | 81, 67, 47*, 40* |
5 | Jason Hewett | Fairwater Cons Mack | 72, 60, 53, 46, 41, 40, 40*, 35* (67, 65, 60, 59, 58, 55, 49, 42, 39, 37, 37, 36, 36, 35) |
6 | Twm Sion Jones | Fairwater Cons | 70*, 62, 58, 52, 42*, 38, 35 (48, 37, 36) |
7 | Brian Rees | Fairwater Cons Mack | 60*, 59, 53, 49, 47, 45, 41*, 39, 38, 37 (91, 60, 54, 51, 46, 37) |
8 | Ben Griffiths | Fairwater Cons | 59*, 55, 41, 39, 37, 36, 36*, 35 (39, 38) |
9 | Jason Summerhayes | Cathays Cons | 57, 57, 43 |
10 | Nural Khan | RBL Warriors | 57, 56 |
11 | Rob Hayes | Taff's Well | 57 |
12 | Ryan Bowgen | Cathays Cons | 54, 45, 38 (40) |
13 | Paul Chichester | Rumney British Legion | 51, 47 |
14 | Rhys Carpenter | Taff's Well | 46*, 38, 38 (39, 35) |
= | Adam Jones | Beech Tree Hotel | 46 |
16 | Steffan Davies | Fairwater Cons | 45, 39 (46, 40, 35) |
17 | Luke Haines | Canton Libs | 44, 37, 37 |
18 | Khurram Khan | Fairwater Cons Mack | 43, 40, 38* (64, 47, 44, 43, 40, 37, 36) |
19 | Darren Gill | Cathays Cons | 40 (47) |
20 | Dave Richards | RBL Warriors | 39 |
21 | Lee Cornock | Roath Cpns | 38 |
= | Kevin Jones | Taff's Well | 38 |
= | Carlos Schiazza | Mackintosh Snooker | 38 |
= | James Wigmore | Canton Libs | 38* (38) |
25 | Terry Garland | Fairwater Cons | 37 (40, 36) |
26 | Tony Williams | Beech Tree Hotel | 36 |
27 | Graeme Prance | Rumney British Legion | 35 |
| Dan Bridle | Beech Tree Hotel | (58, 52, 47) |
| James Facey | Canton Libs | (47, 45) |
| Ryan Rowlands | Savoy | (40) |
| Jacob Boyle | Fairwater Mack | (37) |
| Ed Topham | Canton Libs | (35) |
| | | |
*denotes cup | | | |
(competition breaks) | | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Notes on breaks table:
1. Breaks of 35 or above submitted with match results are included. 2. The breaks are shown in order of the highest break. 3. Only all 50 breaks are shown, below 50 only the highest is shown..
Pos | Player | Team | Played | Won | % |
1 | Alan Hurley | Fairwater Cons Mack | 20 | 18 | 90 |
2 | Brian Rees | Fairwater Cons Maxk | 19 | 17 | 89 |
3 | Ben Griffiths | Fairwater Cons | 20 | 16 | 80 |
4 | Declan O'Callaghan | Canton Libs | 18 | 15 | 83 |
= | Jason Hewett | Fairwater Cons Mack | 18 | 15 | 83 |
6 | Khurram Khan | Fairwater Cons Mack | 20 | 15 | 75 |
7 | Twm Sion Jones | Fairwater Cons | 19 | 14 | 74 |
8 | Kevin Brown | Taff's Well | 20 | 14 | 70 |
9 | Mark Bennett | Savoy | 18 | 13 | 72 |
= | Dan Bridle | Beech Tree Hotel | 18 | 13 | 72 |
11 | Steffan Davies | Fairwater Cons | 17 | 12 | 71 |
12 | Terry Garland | Fairwater Cons | 18 | 12 | 67 |
13 | James Facey | Canton Libs | 16 | 11 | 69 |
14 | Rob Hayes | Taff's Well | 17 | 11 | 65 |
15 | Rhys Carpenter | Taff's Well | 13 | 10 | 77 |
16 | Dave Earls | Cathays Cons | 15 | 10 | 67 |
17 | Ryan Bowgen | Cathays Cons | 16 | 10 | 63 |
= | Darren Gill | Cathays Cons | 16 | 10 | 63 |
= | Jason Summerhayes | Cathays Cons | 16 | 10 | 63 |
20 | Luke Haines | Canton Libs | 15 | 9 | 60 |
21 | Paul Chichester | Rumney British Legion | 16 | 9 | 56 |
= | Mike Pardoe | Beech Tree Hotel | 16 | 9 | 56 |
23 | Ed Topham | Canton Libs | 17 | 9 | 53 |
Notes on rankings: 1. Players are ranked according to most wins, then overall percentage. 2. Excludes missing results which were not provided by teams. |
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