
The Cardiff and District Snooker Association committee is elected annually at the league AGM. The key positions are Chairman, Treasurer, League Secretary and Tournament Secretary.

Cardiff & District Snooker Association Committee

Chairman: Kevin Brown (Taff’s Well A)

Treasurer: Twm Sion Jones (Fairwater Cons)

Tel: 07581 461296

League Secretary: James Llewellyn (Taff’s Well A)

Tel: 07792 101998, Email:

Tournament Secretary: Darren Gill

Tel: 07540 914236, Email:

Historical information

2018 Annual General meeting
The minutes of the 2018 AGM can be found here

2017 Annual General meeting
The outcome of the 2017 AGM can be found here

2016 Annual General meeting
The outcome of the 2016 AGM can be found here

2015 Annual General meeting
The outcome of the 2015 AGM can be found here

2014 Annual General meeting
The minutes of the 2014 AGM can be found here

2013 Annual General meeting
The minutes of the 2013 AGM can be found here

2010 Annual General meeting
At the AGM the only real topic of debate was how to encourage more teams to enter the league. As a result it was agreed and the league secretary announced that teams and players could register for both a Tuesday and a Thursday. Full details of this rule change are given here. The only other change was the resignation of Neil Fairbrother as Thursday League secretary. The Chairman thanked Neil for his hard work. Dan Peacey from the University was voted in as his replacement.

2009 AGM
The 2009 Cardiff and District Snooker League presentation night and Annual General Meeting took placeat Mackintosh Sports on 17th July. Only minor rule changes were made and the committee was elected. Changes to the committee sees Mac Keenor from Fairwater become league chairman in place of Ronnie Allen and Spencer Symmons take on the role of Treasurer instead of Steve Wellbeloved. The league would like to thank Ronnie and especially Steve, who has served on the committee since before most of the University side were born. Competition formats will be announced before the start of the season but Spencer will be organising those with Brian Rees. Kevin Brown and Neil Fairbrother remain Tuesday and Thursday match secretaries.

2008 AGM
The 2008 Cardiff and District Snooker League Annual General Meeting was held at Mackintosh Sports on 29th June. After fairly long-winded and discussion-filled events in recent years, this year’s was more subdued (it did clash with the Euro 2008 final). Very few rule changes were passed. It was agreed that a list of all players for each club to be put on the CDSA website when team reg sheets come in and whenever a player is registered throughout the season. The closing date for player registrations will be when 6 or less games of the season remain.

Kevin Brown was welcomed back to the committee as Tuesday League secretary, with Neil Fairbrother continuing to run the Thursday League. Spencer Symmons took back the role of running the competitions, but it must be said that the committee were disappointed at the lack of volunteers for the positions. Ronnie Allen and Steve Wellbeloved were re-elected as Chair and Treasurer

Archived information
Minutes of the 2006 league AGM can be downloaded here
Agenda and proposals for the 2006 league AGM can be downloaded here

Minutes of the 2004 league AGM can be downloaded here
Minutes of the 2003 AGM can be downloaded here
Full details of the rule changes agreed at the AGM to be implemented during the 2003-04 season can be downloaded here

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