Leagues set to merge and play on Thursdays #snooker #cardiff

The decision is pretty much made about the leaue structure for the coming season. Both leagues will merge and teams will play on Thursday, but can specify Tuesday for home games.

If a team cannot play on a Tuesday in line with this, they will have two home fixtures in the season, taking on the extra expense of catering and buying drinks twice for their opponents, rather than once.

There will be two divisions, as it stands.

There is a full discussion of this on the forum, which is free to join, and we welcome any contributions. See this here http://snookertalk.co.uk/showthread.php?p=750097#post750097

TEAM DELEGATES ONLY should post below or on the forum thread to indicate if their team wants to play at home on Tuesdays. Delegates should also post if their side would NOT be able to play a few times a season on a Tuesday.

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