Thank you to those teams that attended the AGM & Presentatipn Night. It was an excellent evening with lots of strong debate and discussion to ensure the league continues to improve.
Ten teams sent at least one representative, but we were disappointed not to have attendees from Cuesaders, Park Cons, Savoy B or Taff’s Well A.
The following proposals were made at the AGM, and the decision of the vote is attached to each one –
A maximum of 3 misses can be called on each shot
Vote was passed by 10-0
An additional proposal to call every foul a miss was rejected by 6-4 and so we will continue to use the guidance as issued in previous years.
Aggregate points system in Cup
Vote to continue the points system as used in this year’s Handicap Cup was passed 9-1, but a vote was passed 7-3 that each frame should finish on the black if the difference is greater than 7 points. There was also clarification that frames can have a respotted black if needed.
To reduce the 147 point sanction if a frame is not played in the Handicap Cup
Vote passed 9-1 and the decision was made to reduce this to 75 points.
Increase League fees
The vote to increase league fees and make all competitions free to enter was rejected by 2-8.
The introduction of a handicap in league matches
Vote rejected 1-9
Any rejected proposal cannot be brought to AGM for two years
Vote rejected 3-7
Engraving of new league trophy
The AGM saw the presentation of the Premier League’s beautiful new trophy, which was purhased thanks to our sponsorship from Molson Coors.
The decision was made that all winners of the league should be included on the trophy dating back to 1987 as this is when the Premier League was formed.
To split the league into two divisions
Vote was passed 7-3
All teams will still play everyone home and away but two divisions will be created to allow more interest later in the season, and to create promotion and relegation.