The provisional league fixtures for the ‘Premier Division’ of the new league structure have been drawn up. On a basis of having nine or ten teams in this division, each team will play each other side twice, once at home and once away unless a team notifies Kevin Brown that it cannot play on a […]
A reminder that registrations for new season now due #snooker #cardiff
A reminder that registrations for the forthcoming 2012-13 season are now due. We are inviting registrations for Tuesday and Thursday league sides. However it is looking likely that there are insufficient teams for a Tuesday League to be viable and that the league may be merged. This was discussed and agreed at the AGM. If […]
Outcome of AGM – 2 rule changes; Colin Lane voted in as new chairman
A belated updated of the outcome of the 2012 Annual General Meeting held last month: 1. The proposal that players should not practice during a league match prior to their frame was agreed. 2. The proposal that a combined handicap KO cup be played in addition to the divsional KO cups was agreed. 3. Colin […]
Register your team for the 2012-13 Cardiff Snooker league season #snooker #cardiff
Registrations for the forthcoming 2012-13 season are now open. We are inviting registrations for Tuesday and Thursday league sides. However in the event that there are insufficient teams for two leagues, the league reserves the right to combine the leagues. This was discussed and agreed at the AGM. If you are intending to register a […]
Presentation night photos now online
Visit the gallery for photos from the Presentation night 2012