Register your team for the 2012-13 Cardiff Snooker league season #snooker #cardiff

Registrations for the forthcoming 2012-13 season are now open.
We are inviting registrations for Tuesday and Thursday league sides. However in the event that there are insufficient teams for two leagues, the league reserves the right to combine the leagues. This was discussed and agreed at the AGM.

If you are intending to register a team for the season please let us know by posting in this forum thread

Or by emailing Kevin Brown for the Tuesday league at:

Or by emailing Dan Peacey for Thursday League at:

Cost is £35 per team and closing date for registration is August 31st. Cheques (payable to CDSA) in post to Spencer Symmons please, 23 Gelli Frongoch, Cardiff, CF23 8QD. Or you can use direct bank transfer to community bank account. CDSA, Barclays Bank. Contact Spence for account details.

Please let other teams know about this and encourage other clubs or teams to join the league!

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