Reminder about competition rules

A message from Spence, tournament secretary:

Can I just remind people about the rules surrounding competitions:

“It is the responsibility of both players to arrange the matches before the deadline. Results can be posted at the bottom of this page, on the Snooker Talk forum, or texted to Comps Sec. If the match is not played both players will be scratched. Contact details for each player are available at this link Comps_Contacts1213.xls – or contact their venue on a match night.”

In addition to above, you can also post on CDSA Website.

Scratching people who haven’t played their matches is a nightmare, but people are given ample time to play and the committee don’t have time to chase or remind. It is possible to appeal to the comp sec (backed up by evidence of texts or whatever) that you have tried a number of times to arrange a match. In that situation the comp sec will put the appealing player through however the appeal has to be done before each round deadline (not after the deadline). If both players appeal both are scratched as the committee don’t have time to make a ruling over who tried the hardest etc.

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