A couple of minor corrections have been made to the Premier League fixtures on the site, both of which involve South Wales Snooker. The most immediate of this is that this coming Thursday they will be hosting Fairwater at home, and not playing away. The site has been updated and the word document fixture list […]
Submission of results and player details
Please can you ensure that you are submitting your results promptly, along with information on the players that won and lost. The start of the season has seen some teams not sending in full information which means we are having to chase around for details on who played for the purposes of the rankings. The […]
Reminder about Premier League fixture arrangements
As the start of league fixtures is only 4 days away, a reminder about the position in the Premier League about league nights. 3 teams have opted to play at home on Tuesdays where possible: County Cons Fairwater Savoy However the majority of other teams have said that they cannot play fixtures on a Tuesday. […]
Reminder – let the league know if you cannot play away games on Tuesday nights
A reminder that we need any teams to post below or on the forum here IF THEY CANNOT PLAY FIXTURES ON A TUESDAY NIGHT so that we can plan the fixtures accordingly. Remember, if a team has opted to play at home on a Tuesday, UNLESS YOU ADVISE DAN OR KEV BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS, […]
How to join in the CDSL chat
A reminder about all the various ways you can keep in touch with league news and join in with chat, discussions and banter. The Snooker Talk forum is free to join and is where match reports and comp results can be posted. Would be great to see more teams represented on there: snookertalk.co.uk You can […]