Roath Cons

Malcolm Keenor Trophy, Premier League
2023-24, 2024-25


PlayerPositionCurrent handicapGames PlayedGames WonFrame win percentageLeague Breaks 24-25Cup Breaks 24-25Comp Breaks 24-25
Alan Wright4212325---
Andrew Champion3514429---
Clive Marsh2110440---
Jack Whiting35000---
Kerri-Lee Whiting42100---
Lee CornockCaptain211353851--
Phil Storer288113---
Rob Baker14623335-61 HP, 36 HP
Rob Reid498113---
Tony Storer21313339--

2024-25 fixtures and results

DateEventResultsLeagueVenueMatch Day
Roath Cons v Macky MisfitsPremier LeagueMatchday 1
Roath Cons v Taff’s WellLeague CupGroup Stage
County Cons v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 3
Roath Cons v Taff’s WellPremier LeagueMatchday 4
Fairwater Cons v Roath ConsMalcolm Keenor TrophyGroup stage
Fairwater Cons v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 5
Roath Cons v Mackintosh SnookerPremier LeagueMatchday 6
Caerphilly A v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 7
Roath Cons v County ConsMalcolm Keenor TrophyGroup stage
Roath Cons v Rumney British LegionPremier LeagueMatchday 8
Taff’s Well Warriors v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 9
Roath Cons v Canton LibsPremier LeagueMatchday 10
Roath Cons v Mackintosh SnookerMalcolm Keenor TrophyGroup stage
Macky Misfits v Roath ConsLeague CupGroup Stage
Macky Misfits v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 12
Taff’s Well v Roath ConsLeague CupGroup Stage
Macky Misfits v Roath ConsMalcolm Keenor TrophyGroup stage
Roath Cons v County ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 14
Taff’s Well v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 15
Roath Cons v Fairwater ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 16
Roath Cons v BYEMalcolm Keenor Trophy
Group stage
Mackintosh Snooker v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 17
Roath Cons v Caerphilly APremier LeagueMatchday 18
Rumney British Legion v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 19
Taff’s Well Warriors v Roath Cons 1st LegCDSA Plate-
Roath Cons v Taff’s Well WarriorsPremier LeagueMatchday 20
Canton Libs v Roath ConsPremier LeagueMatchday 21
Roath Cons v Macky MisfitsLeague CupGroup Stage
Roath Cons v Taff’s Well Warriors 2nd LegCDSA Plate-
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