Division One, 2012/13

PldWonPts     Form^
1Canton Libs 'Z'181574WWWWWW
3Taffs Well181370WLWWWL
4Cathays Cons181166WWWWWW
5Rumney BL181053WWLLLW
6Canton Libs 'B'18544LLLWLL
7Wellington Rileys*18943LLWLWW
8Kiss Shot*18642LLLLLL
9Wellington Boot18536WLLLWL
10Trec Wanderers18328LLLLLW
* Deducted 6 points for breaching league rules
^Form shows most recent results on the right
Fixtures and results
A full list of fixtures for your club noticeboard can be downloaded here. Use the online form here to submit results.

Alternatively please text or email new player registrations and results (including player wins and losses for the player rankings) to Dan Peacey on 07950 315811 or danielpeacey1980@googlemail.com

Sept 20th

Divisional Cup preliminary round

Trec Wanderers W-L Canton Libs B
Rumney BL L-W Cathays Cons

Sept 27th

Wellington Rileys 2-3 Trec Wanderers
Kiss Shot 4-1 Canton Libs Z
Senghenydd 4-1 Taffs Well
Cathays Cons 2-3 Rumney BL
Canton Libs B 2-3 Wellington Boot

Oct 4th

Rumney BL 3-2 Canton Libs B
Taffs Well 5-0 Trec Wanderers
Canton Libs Z 3-2 Wellington Rileys Thain 31
Wellington Boot 2-3 Cathays Cons
Kiss Shot 0-5 Senghenydd

Oct 11th

Trec Wanderers 2-3 Canton Libs B
Rumney BL 2-3 Wellington Rileys
Taffs Well 3-2 Cathays Cons K.Jones 36, Standage 32
Canton Libs Z 1-4 Senghenydd
Wellington Boot 2-3 Kiss Shot Jenkins 33

Oct 18th

Divisional KO cup Quarter-finals

Trec Wanderers/td> L-W Canton Libs Z
Kiss Shot W-L Senghenydd
Wellington Boot L-W Taffs Well
Cathays Cons W-L Wellington Rileys

Oct 25th

Wellington Boot 2-3 Wellington Rileys Virgin 31
Canton Libs Z 5-0 Trec Wanderers
Taffs Well 5-0 Rumney BL
Kiss Shot 4-1 Cathays Cons
Senghenydd 1-4 Canton Libs B

Nov 1st

Wellington Rileys 0-5 Taffs Well
Trec Wanderers 1-4 Rumney BL
Senghenydd 2-3 Wellington Boot Boucher 52
Cathays Cons 2-3 Canton Libs Z
Canton Libs B 3-2 Kiss Shot

Nov 8th

Taffs Well 3-2 Canton Libs B K.Jones 42
Canton Libs Z 3-2 Rumney BL Bowgen 40
Wellington Boot 4-1 Trec Wanderers
Kiss Shot 2-3 Wellington Rileys Hall 38
Senghenydd 3-2 Cathays Cons

Nov 15th

Divisional KO cup Semi-finals

Cathays Cons v Taffs Well
Kiss Shot v Canton Libs Z

Divisional KO cup Plate Semi-finals

Wellington Boot v Trec Wanders
Wellington Rileys v Senghenydd

Nov 22nd

Senghenydd 5-0* Wellington Rileys WR failed to show
Kiss Shot 4-1 Trec Wanderers
Wellington Boot 2-3 Rumney BL
Canton Libs Z 2-3 Taffs Well
Cathays Cons 3-2 Canton Libs B

Nov 29th

Wellington Boot 1-4 Taffs Well
Kiss Shot 2-3 Rumney BL
Senghenydd 4-1 Trec Wanderers Boucher 35
Cathays Cons 5-0 Wellington Rileys
Canton Libs B 2-3 Canton Libs Z

Dec 6th

Wellington Rileys 3-2 Canton Libs B
Cathays Cons 4-1 Trec Wanderers
Rumney BL 2-3 Senghenydd
Taffs Well 4-1 Kiss Shot K.Jones 41, S.Davies 32
Canton Libs Z 5-0 Wellington Boot

Dec 13th

Jan 3rd

Jan 10th

Canton Libs B 2-3 Trec Wanderers
Wellington Rileys 4-1 Rumney BL
Cathays Cons 3-2 Taffs Well
Senghenydd 2-3 Canton Libs Z
Kiss Shot 5-0 Wellington Boot

Jan 17th

Trec Wanderers 2-3 Wellington Rileys
Canton Libs Z 3-2 Kiss Shot
Taffs Well 2-3 Senghenydd Boucher 38
Rumney BL 3-2 Cathays Cons
Wellington Boot 2-3 Canton Libs B

Jan 24th

Taffs Well 3-2 Wellington Rileys
Rumney BL 4-1 Trec Wanderers
Wellington Boot p-p Senghenydd Off due to snow
Canton Libs Z 3-2 Cathays Cons
Kiss Shot 4-1 Canton Libs B

Jan 31st

Feb 7th

Canton Libs B 2-3 Rumney BL
Trec Wanderers 1-4 Taffs Well
Wellington Rileys 2-3 Canton Libs Z
Cathays Cons 5-0 Wellington Boot
Senghenydd 3-2 Kiss Shot

Feb 14th

Taffs Well 2-3 Wellington Boot K.Jones 49
Rumney BL 4-1 Kiss Shot
Senghenydd 5-0 Trec Wanderers
Wellington Rileys 1-4 Cathays Cons
Canton Libs Z 4-1 Canton Libs B

Feb 21st

Wellington Rileys 4-1 Wellington Boot
Trec Wanderers 1-4 Canton Libs Z
Rumney BL 1-4 Taffs Well
Cathays Cons 3-2 Kiss Shot
Canton Libs B 2-3 Senghenydd Boucher 30

Feb 28th

March 7th

Canton Libs B 3-2 Wellington Rileys
Cathays Cons 5-0 Trec Wanderers
Senghenydd 4-1 Rumney BL
Kiss Shot 2-3 Taffs Well
Wellington Boot 0-5 Canton Libs Z

March 14th

Canton Libs B 2-3 Taffs Well
Rumney BL 1-4 Canton Libs Z P.Chichester 30
Trec Wanderers 2-3 Wellington Boot
Wellington Rileys 3-2 Kiss Shot
Cathays Cons 3-2 Senghenydd

March 21st

Wellington Rileys 3-2 Senghenydd
Trec Wanderers 5-0 Kiss Shot KS failed to show
Rumney BL 3-2 Wellington Boot
Taffs Well 1-4 Canton Libs Z
Canton Libs B 1-4 Cathays Cons Baker 47

March 28th

April 4th

1Mike BoucherSenghenydd52
2Rob BakerCathays Cons47
3Kevin JonesTaffs Well49
4Dave BowgenRumney BL40
5Russell HallKiss Shot38
6=Paul ThomasKiss Shot35
6=Steve DaviesKiss Shot35
8Keith JenkinsWellington Boot33
9Dave StandageCathays Cons32
10=Dave ThainCanton Libs 'Z'31
10=Shane VirginWellington Rileys31

Notes on breaks table:

1. Breaks of 35 or above submitted with match results are included.
2. The breaks are shown in order of the highest break.
3. Only all 50 breaks are shown, below 50 only the highest is shown..

1Dave StandageCathays Cons181688.9
2=Paul ChichesterCanton Libs 'Z'181477.8
2=Kevin JonesTaffs Well181477.8
4Tony PalkowskiSenghenydd171376.5
5Mike BoucherSenghenydd171270.6
6Steve ReesTaffs Well141178.6
7John PalkowskiSenghenydd161168.8
8Rob RichardsCanton Libs 'Z'171164.7
9Dave SharpeTaffs Well141071.4
10Bill BaintonCanton Libs 'Z'151066.7
11David ThainCanton Libs 'Z'161062.5
12=Simon ParkerCanton Libs 'Z'171058.8
12=Rob RichardsCanton Libs 'Z'171058.8
14Russell HallKiss Shot12975
15=Keith JenkinsWellington Boot13969.2
15=Shane VirginWellington Rileys13969.2
15=Paul JonesCathays Cons13969.2
15=Carl DimondSenghenydd13969.2

Notes on rankings:

1. Players are ranked according to most wins,
then overall percentage.
2. Excludes missing results which were not provided by teams.

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One thought on “Division One, 2012/13

  1. Hi Dan, Why havent you updated the results for the 10th January and the 17th January? Please update. Thank you. Kind Regards.

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